diff --git a/thesis.tex b/thesis.tex index 2511931..fb689af 100644 --- a/thesis.tex +++ b/thesis.tex @@ -19,10 +19,13 @@ %%% FONTS %%% \usepackage{lmodern} % TeX "original" (this sets up the latin mono) -% Optionally choose an override for the main font for typesetting +% Optionally choose an override for the main font for typesetting: \usepackage[mono=false]{libertinus} % popular for comp-sci (ACM uses this) %\usepackage{tgschola} % Schoolbook-like (gives a bit of historic feel) %\usepackage[scale=0.96]{tgpagella} % Palladio-like (popular in formal logic). +% IBM Plex font suite is nice but requires us to fine-tune the sizes, also note +% that it does not directly support small caps (\textsc) and requires lualatex: +%\usepackage[usefilenames,RM={Scale=0.88},SS={Scale=0.88},SScon={Scale=0.88},TT={Scale=0.88},DefaultFeatures={Ligatures=Common}]{plex-otf} % Optionally choose a custom sans-serif fonts (e.g. for figures and tables). % Default sans-serif font is usually Latin Modern Sans. Some font packages