% use this for typesetting a chapter without a number, e.g. intro and outro \def\chapwithtoc#1{\chapter*{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}} % If there is a line/figure overflowing into page margin, this will make the % problem evident by drawing a thick black line at the overflowing spot. You % should not disable this. \overfullrule=3mm % The maximum stretching of a space. Increasing this makes the text a bit more % sloppy, but may prevent the overflows by moving words to next line. \emergencystretch=1em \ifEN \theoremstyle{plain} \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}[thm]{Lemma} \newtheorem{claim}[thm]{Claim} \newtheorem{defn}{Definition} \theoremstyle{remark} \newtheorem*{cor}{Corollary} \else \theoremstyle{plain} \newtheorem{thm}{Věta} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} \newtheorem{claim}{Tvrzení} \newtheorem{defn}{Definice} \theoremstyle{remark} \newtheorem*{cor}{Důsledek} \fi \newenvironment{myproof}{ \par\medskip\noindent \textit{\ifEN Proof \else Důkaz \fi}. }{ \newline \rightline{$\qedsymbol$} } % real/natural numbers \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}} % asymptotic complexity \newcommand{\asy}[1]{\mathcal{O}(#1)} % listings and default lstlisting config (remove if unused) \DeclareNewFloatType{listing}{} \floatsetup[listing]{style=ruled} \DeclareCaptionStyle{thesis}{style=base,font={small,sf},labelfont=bf,labelsep=quad} \captionsetup{style=thesis} \captionsetup[algorithm]{style=thesis,singlelinecheck=off} \captionsetup[listing]{style=thesis,singlelinecheck=off} % Customization of algorithmic environment (comment style) \renewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{\textcolor{black!25}{\dotfill\sffamily\itshape#1}} % Uncomment for table captions on top. This is sometimes recommended by the % style guide, and even required for some publication types. %\floatsetup[table]{capposition=top} % % (Opinionated rant:) Captions on top are not "compatible" with the general % guideline that the tables should be formatted to be quickly visually % comprehensible and *beautiful* in general (like figures), and that the table % "head" row (with column names) should alone communicate most of the content % and interpretation of the table. If you just need to show a long boring list % of numbers (because you have to), either put some effort into showing the % data in an attractive figure-table, or move the data to an attachment and % refer to it, so that the boredom does not impact the main text flow. % % You can make the top-captions look much less ugly by aligning the widths of % the caption and the table, with setting `framefit=yes`, as shown below. This % additionally requires some extra markup in your {table} environments; see the % comments in the example table in `ch2.tex` for details. %\floatsetup[table]{capposition=top,framefit=yes} \ifEN\floatname{listing}{Listing} \else\floatname{listing}{Výpis kódu}\fi \lstset{ % use this to define styling for any other language language=C++, tabsize=2, showstringspaces=false, basicstyle=\footnotesize\tt\color{black!75}, identifierstyle=\bfseries\color{black}, commentstyle=\color{green!50!black}, stringstyle=\color{red!50!black}, keywordstyle=\color{blue!75!black}} % Czech versions of the used cleveref references (It's not as convenient as in % English because of declension, cleveref is limited to sg/pl nominative. Use % plain \ref to dodge that.) \ifEN\relax\else \crefname{chapter}{kapitola}{kapitoly} \Crefname{chapter}{Kapitola}{Kapitoly} \crefname{section}{sekce}{sekce} \Crefname{section}{Sekce}{Sekce} \crefname{subsection}{sekce}{sekce} \Crefname{subsection}{Sekce}{Sekce} \crefname{subsubsection}{sekce}{sekce} \Crefname{subsubsection}{Sekce}{Sekce} \crefname{figure}{obrázek}{obrázky} \Crefname{figure}{Obrázek}{Obrázky} \crefname{table}{tabulka}{tabulky} \Crefname{table}{Tabulka}{Tabulky} \crefname{listing}{výpis}{výpisy} \Crefname{listing}{Výpis}{Výpisy} \floatname{algorithm}{Algoritmus} \crefname{algorithm}{algoritmus}{algoritmy} \Crefname{algorithm}{Algoritmus}{Algoritmy} \newcommand{\crefpairconjunction}{ a~} \newcommand{\crefrangeconjunction}{ a~} \fi