%%% Choose a language %%% \newif\ifEN \ENtrue % uncomment this for english %\ENfalse % uncomment this for czech %%% Configuration of the title page %%% \newif\ifMFF \MFFtrue % comment this out for the version with a big UK university logo \def\UKName{Charles University in Prague} %this is used in UK-logo-version \def\UKFaculty{Faculty of Mathematics and Physics} \def\ThesisTypeName{\ifEN BACHELOR THESIS \else BAKALÁŘSKÁ PRÁCE \fi} %\def\ThesisTypeName{\ifEN MASTER THESIS \else DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE \fi} %\def\ThesisTypeName{\ifEN RIGOROUS THESIS \else RIGORÓZNÍ PRÁCE \fi} %\def\ThesisTypeName{\ifEN DOCTORAL THESIS \else DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCE \fi} \def\SupervisedThesisName{\ifEN bachelor \else bakalářské \fi} %\def\SupervisedThesisName{\ifEN master \else diplomové \fi} %\def\SupervisedThesisName{\ifEN rigorous \else rigorózní \fi} %\def\SupervisedThesisName{\ifEN doctoral \else disertační \fi} %%% Fill in your details %%% % (Note: \xxx is a "ToDo label" which makes the unfilled visible. Remove it.) \def\ThesisTitle{\xxx{Thesis title}} \def\ThesisAuthor{\xxx{Your Name Surname}} \def\YearSubmitted{\xxx{YEAR}} % department assigned to the thesis \def\Department{\xxx{Name of the department}} % Is it a department (katedra), or an institute (ústav)? \def\DeptType{\xxx{Department}} \def\Supervisor{\xxx{Supername Supersurname}} \def\SupervisorsDepartment{\xxx{department}} % Study programme and specialization \def\StudyProgramme{\xxx{study programme}} \def\StudyBranch{\xxx{study branch}} \def\Dedication{% Dedication. \xxx{It is nice to say thanks to supervisors, friends, family, book authors and food providers.} } \def\Abstract{% \xxx{Abstract.} % recommended length around 120 words. % THIS IS NOT A COPY OF YOUR THESIS ASSIGNMENT! } % 3 to 5 keywords (recommended), each enclosed in curly braces \def\Keywords{% \xxx{{key} {words}} } % If your abstracts are long and do not fit in the infopage (in before the % Contents listing), you can make the fonts a bit smaller right here. % Alternatively, consider increasing the size of the page by uncommenting the % geometry modification in thesis.tex. \def\InfoPageFont{} %\def\InfoPageFont{\small} %uncomment to decrease font size \ifEN\relax\else % If you are writing a czech thesis, you additionally need to fill in the % english translation of the metadata here! \def\ThesisTitleEN{\xxx{Thesis title in English}} \def\DepartmentEN{\xxx{Name of the department in English}} \def\DeptTypeEN{\xxx{Department}} \def\SupervisorsDepartmentEN{\xxx{Superdepartment}} \def\StudyProgrammeEN{\xxx{study programme}} \def\StudyBranchEN{\xxx{study branch}} \def\AbstractEN{% \xxx{Abstract.} } \def\KeywordsEN{% \xxx{{key} {words}} } \fi